Hila's Homemade Granola

Our Creamery and Cafe pastry chef, Hila Perry, has shared her recipe for her homemade granola. Full of toasted mixed seeds, sweet dried apricots and cranberries, packets of Hila’s granola always sell out at the Cafe! Enjoy warm, straight out of the oven, with a big dollop of Schulz Organic Natural or Greek Yogurt.

what you’ll need:

500g rolled oats

100g poppy seed

250g sunflower seeds

250g pumpkin seeds

130g flaked almonds

200g shredded coconut

250g dried apricots (diced)

170g dried cranberries 

125g water

100g caster sugar

325g honey (We use Timboon Honey)


Preheat oven to 160°C.

Mix the oats, poppy seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaked almonds and coconut together in a large bowl until evenly distributed.

Bring the water, castor sugar and honey to boil in a pot.

Pour the sugar mixture over your oat and seed mixture and toss together.

Spread onto a non-stick oven tray in an even layer.

Bake in the preheated oven, mixing every 10 minutes until golden.

Let cool for 5 minutes, then mix in the cranberries and chopped dried apricots.

Serve immediately with some seasonal fresh fruit and Schulz Organic Yogurt, or store in an airtight container for up to 3 months.