Spring at the farm!

November! Already! Spring is well and truly upon us and everyone here at the farm is making the most of the sunshine. 


We are in full swing of silage harvest and we are seeing bumper crops this year. Michael says the quality is the best he has seen, with bucket loads of clover throughout the fields. Keep an eye out for some drone footage of all the action!

The grass is growing rapidly now that we have a bit of warmth in the soil, and the cows are lapping it up. You can tell if a herd is well content and fed when the number of them sitting down just after mid-day is over 75%... yesterday it was over 95%... and all this means plenty of delicious milk.


If you've been meaning to come visit us at Timboon Cheesery, the time is now! It's extra gorgeous at this time of year!

See you there,

- Simon Schulz