Our Pure Cream is exactly that. Made from our Certified Organic Milk with no added thickeners or stabilisers and a butter fat percentage of around 40%! It’s not surprising then that the consistency of our cream may fluctuate with the seasons and the weather. The amount of rain we get on the farm affects the grass our cows eat. And in certain seasons we supplement the natural diet of the cows with silage and organic feed - this affects the end product also. Our cream is a microcosm of our greater philosophy here at Schulz Organic Dairy - make the purest product possible by letting nature and the cows do their thing.

Schulz’s cream making process

  1. Collect the milk

  2. Separate the cream from the milk

  3. Pasteurise low and slow for 30 minutes at 63C

  4. Chill and pack (depending on how much cream we have sometimes this is hand poured by our team into tubs)

  5. We deliver to our retail and restaurant customers for drinking, whipping, cooking, and eating!

What is slow and low pasteurising? 

We choose to pasteurise all our milk low and slow. This is to ensure that the unique  flavours of our milk remain present in the final product. We believe that things like terrior (the land), the pasture, our organic processes and cow health actually come through in the flavour. 

Pasteurisation is a legal necessity in creating milk, to ensure any potential pathogens are eliminated. Our low and slow approach means heating the milk to 63°C for 30 minutes. Most commercial dairy producers use flash pasteurisation (72°C for 15 seconds), a method that is one stop short of the process used to create long life (UHT) milk.

There’s cream in Schulz organic yogurt?

Yes there is! While other dairies homogenise the milk, we believe in offering the whole product. During our yogurt’s incubation, the cream rises to the top and forms a thick layer. As we don’t add stabilisers or gelatine to any of our products, the whey liquid also remains in the pot, sitting just below the creamy top layer. This naturally occurring layer of cream can be scooped out and used as a substitute for sour cream or simply mixed through the yogurt and enjoyed as nature intended it.

Those. Three. Words:


We believe, cream on top fresh dairy is one of life’s simple pleasures. However, the cream quantity isn’t always the same in each bottle. One factor is how the milk is transported or stocked as this can shake up and disturb the cream from the top of the bottle. Secondly, as grasses and organic feed change with the seasons, so does the fat content from which cream is naturally derived. That’s a natural and desirable element that we embrace, so we choose not to "standardise" our milk through homogenisation. So, this is why sometimes you’ll get a bottle of our milk with a heathy cap of cream on top and other times there may not be as much. What to do with the cream on top? You can shake it back through the milk, scoop it out and put it in your coffee or simply spoon it out and gulp it down! If you have a hot tip for how you use your cream on top please comment below!

Recipes using our cream

Who doesn’t love cream? We love it on top of our freshly made scones at our Creamery & Cafe and on a slice of cake with a cup of tea in the afternoon. For those with a sweet tooth, we have recipes for delectable desserts such as bread and butter pudding, cheesecake or pistachio gelato. Or, if savoury bites are more to your tastes, we have recipes for tarts, linguine, tortellini and pumpkin soup.