Our creamy organic yogurts are favourites among growing kids and health conscious adults. We have received such lovely feedback about our yogurt’s delicious flavour and its versatility for sweet and savoury occasions. Thanks to everyone who provides us feedback online and at farmers markets! We believe the yogurt’s foundation, our organic full cream milk is the hero and our girls are the champions! Looking a little deeper, just underneath the lid... lies our nutrient rich pot-set yogurt, which is an amazing source of proteins and calcium. It also contains vitamins, potassium and magnesium. It doesn’t end there either! Yogurt can also improve metabolism and can aid in the muscle recovery process.
Yogurt for gut health
We make our yogurt from our Certified Organic Milk, then add probiotic cultures, acidophilus, bifidus, and L. Casein. While other dairies homogenise their milk, we believe less-is-more when it comes to delicious dairy. We don’t add stabilisers or gelatine to any of our products, the whey liquid also remains in the pot, sitting just below the creamy top layer. The whey is one of the best bits of all – you can stir-it back through the yogurt, drink it, or do what Simon does and add it to a juice for a health kick. This results in our organic yogurt being packed with good gut bacteria, called probiotics. This friendly bacteria can help boost your immune system, ease digestion troubles and can even elevate your mood! Go yogurt!
Yogurt for stronger bones
Yogurt is an excellent option for older adults who want to maintain their bone health. Not to mention growing children with growing bones. Now, you probably know that calcium is a key ingredient to building muscles and healthy strong bones. Although, did you know that our bodies don’t produce calcium on their own? Luckily, a serving of our organic Greek or Natural yogurt has around fifteen percent of your daily value of calcium. Tip: add chia seeds to yogurt to increase your daily dose of calcium. Scroll down to see our quick and easy breakfast recipe with chia, yogurt berries.
Yogurt for post workout recovery
@eastsidewholefoods on IG
Yogurt can be a fulfilling and healthy post-workout addition to your recovery meal routine. Recovery starts with protein and our organic yogurts have about nine grams of protein per serving! Try a dollop or two to your next post workout meal, shake or smoothie for a protein boost! Want to level up? Try adding a banana or some berries to your yogurt for vitamin rich post-workout snacks. Lastly, the consistency of yogurt combined with protein may help you feel satisfied for longer after a tough workout.
YO! Get your vitamin B-12
Your body needs vitamin B-12 for red blood cells to form and to aid brain function. Instead of supplementing vitamin B-12 into your diet, try Greek yogurt. It offers a powerful, natural and more delicious alternative - for example, one serving of yogurt can have around twenty percent of your daily intake. Natural or Greek yogurt is an excellent, meat-free way to add more vitamin B-12 to your diet.
Yogurt helps balance out sodium
One small serving of yogurt can have up to around eleven percent of your daily potassium intake value. Health tick! Potassium can even aid in lowering blood pressure and help fight against rising sodium levels in your body. However, if you just can’t give up salt you may want to combat this through eating more foods high in potassium. You can easily add more potassium to your diet by just adding a banana to your yogurt.
Yogurt is a versatile substitute
Greek yogurt’s consistency is thicker than Natural yogurt, so it can be used as a healthy alternative. Our recipe page offers alternatives such as overnight chia seed fruit bowls, dressings, and cheesecakes.
Alternatively, you can use yogurt as a substitute for complimenting other dishes. Schulz team member Jess uses our yogurt as a healthier substitute for sour cream in potato salad. Some of our staff even enjoy substituting butter and mayo with Greek yogurt on top of baked spuds.
If you have any tips for substituting an ingredient out for yogurt please share on our socials! In the meantime here are some savoury and sweet yogurt recipes.